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An overview of test and test item construction

A well-constructed test is a measurement tool that can generate evidence to facilitate decisions regarding the level of competence of candidates within a defined area. At worst, a poorly constructed test is a random number generator.

The field of Educational Measurement is both broad and deep and draws on other fields such as Psychology, Mathematics and Statistics. This workshop is a very brief introduction to some of these concepts, particularly in relation to the design and construction of selected response (MCQ) assessments. Following this workshop, participants should have a better understanding of the practical steps (and underlying theory) that should be utilised in the construction of individual items and associated tests. Concepts are presented with examples and some practical exercises. Little / no prior knowledge is this area is assumed.

At the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Outline the Classical Test Theory (CTT) model
  • Understand the concepts of validity & reliability and their relationships with test results
  • Describe the structure of good Single Best Answer (Type-A or SBA) and Extended Matching (Type-R or EMQ) question items
  • Identify the common technical flaws that can compromise SBA & EMQ items
  • Construct quality SBA & EMQ items to NBME guidelines
  • Evaluate the results of a test and its component items using common metrics
  • Apply the above to construct a valid & robust selected response assessment

All courses are bookable on the Upcoming Courses page.

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