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Purposeful Writing for Medical Education

The Health Professions Education Centre will run a Purposeful Writing for Medical Education Course commencing on 24th September 2014. It is a 7 week course, with an hour-long session each Wednesday from 13:00 to 14:00, in the HPEC Meeting Room, 123 St Stephen’s Green.

This course aims to support you in writing a paper in the field of medical education for submission to a relevant journal. The course is suitable for those who have data concerning medical education and who wish to publish in a medical education journal, or those who have a paper that needs to be re-drafted for a medical education journal.

If you are interested in attending then please contact:

Jane Burns email: janeburns@rsci.ie -or- Mary Smyth email: msmyth@rcsi.ie

Places are limited so early registration is encouraged.

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