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Sample Size Calculations

Sample size is an important issue in research. Ethics committees and funding agencies are aware that if a research project is too small, it misses failing to find what it set out to detect.

Not only does this waste the input of the study participants (and frequently, in the case of animal research, their lives) but by producing a false negative result a study may do a disservice to research by discouraging further exploration of the area.

Sample size calculations can be complex but in this session we will look at the basics of sample size calculations for some very common and basic research designs.

Target audience: All researchers who are interested in learning the basics of sample size calculations.

Duration: 50 minutes

How to book?: Please note that places are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. To book a place click on the date of the course on the upcoming courses page and submit your details.

This course is organised by the with Data Science Centre (DSC) so if you have any further questions please contact the data@rcsi.ie.

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