This session is aimed at Established Researchers/Principal Investigators and focusses on taking the mystery out of social media while showing you how to get involved with minimum fuss.
It explores how social media has become an invaluable tool for health sciences researchers globally and shows you how to use it for maximum personal benefit.
You will get an understanding of the range of uses for social media amongst researchers and how it can help you to create and maintain key linkages, develop local and global profile, keep up to date with latest developments, seek collaborations and have access to discussions and debates.
You will learn the pros and cons of various social media platforms and their relative effectiveness as communications channels among the international health sciences research community.
You will learn how to get started, how to set up relevant accounts and how to manage your social media communications in a way that works best for you – and doesn’t take over your life.
It will also discuss how to comply with appropriate protocols for social media interactions relating to health sciences research.
This is a hands-on and jargon free module and presumes little or no prior engagement with social media.
Booking: All courses can be booked on the Upcoming Courses page.
This course maps to Domain D (Engagement Influence and Impact) on the Vitae Researcher Development Framework.
This domain contains the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage with, influence and impact on the academic, social, cultural and economic context.