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Home » Upcoming Courses » Course Descriptions » Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Participants learn to notice their automatic, habitual and unhelpful reactions; simultaneously hold and relate to thoughts and emotions less judgmentally. The course gives a practical and experiential introduction to a range of Mindfulness practices.

What does the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course entail?

  • 3 sequential modules over 3 consecutive weeks – from 9.30 – 12.30pm weekly
  • To fully benefit from the course, participants need to engage in daily practice (a handbook and guided meditations are provided to facilitate this).

What skills will I develop on the MBSR course?

  • Become more aware of how your mind works
  • Notice the times when you get lost in automatic pilot / thinking / old negative mood patterns
  • Practice a new way of being with experience
  • Re-connect with yourself, your body and what is happening in the moment
  • Wake up to the preciousness of life, savouring moments instead of ‘being lost in thought’..
  • Develop acceptance of yourself just as you are
  • Let go of the struggle, force, resistance and cultivate patience, trust, acceptance
  • See more options and choices.

Target Audience: All staff

How to Book: All courses are bookable on the Upcoming Courses page.

9 CPD credits awarded. Please contact staff_l&d@rcsi.com  if you need a certificate of attendance.

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