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The Art of Presenting

Presenting with impact is not a talent people are born with, it is a skill that everyone can learn.  This workshop is designed for individuals who want to develop the skills required to deliver effective presentations in a business setting.  It is designed as an equal mix of theory and practice and is conducted in a relaxed atmosphere of open discussion and feedback.

You will also be able to identify a successful method for structuring a presentation and for preparing for the presentation so that it is of interest and relevance to the audience, whilst achieving the objectives of the presenter. Attendees will understand the effect of body language in the delivery of a presentation and the most appropriate type ways of dealing with questions during presentations.

At the end of this programme, participants will understand what causes nerves and demonstrate how to overcome them before and during a presentation. You will identify aids to retention and understand how to handle challenging participants and difficult questions.

Programme Content:

  • Before your presentation
    • Preparation – what is the purpose?
    • Nerves and friendly faces
    • How people learn
    • Designing and structuring your presentation
    • Choice and design of visual aids
  • During your presentation
    • Putting it all together
    • Your voice and body language
    • Use of visual aids
    • Questioning technique
    • Dealing with challenging questions or audience
  • After your presentation
    • Thanking your audience
    • The call for action
    • Evaluating how you did, what changes you would make next time
  • Practice sessions with feedback
  • Personal action plans

Duration: One Day

Target Audience: All members of staff who wish to improve their presentation skills

All courses are bookable on the Upcoming Courses page

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